The Difference of NeurOptimal®

Creating a change of mind


A Brain Training Tool

Our bodies and brains develop patterns based on our environment and experiences. These experiences can trigger “disorders” that are exacerbated by stress. The brain reacts to stress by creating electrical activity patterns, which manifest as symptoms like anxiety or depression.

The process of general neurofeedback trains the brain to use a different electrical response. It reinforces a feedback loop to create a more healthy stress response by becoming flexible and resilient. Your brain learns to adapt and respond quickly to environmental changes and turbulence without worry.

The NeurOptimal® Difference

A System for Everyone

Kristen Baird-Goldman runs a neurofeedback training company and integrated psychotherapy practice, where she helps her clients understand that we are all a combination of nature (genetics) and nurture (environment).

Whether you are in the office or in the comfort of your own home, NeurOptimal® works the same way.

Essentially, you have two small sensors that attach to the sides of your head that track the activity of your brain. While this happens you either listen to music or watch a movie. As you’re watching and the machine picks up on your brain moving into a place of “instability,” it changes the information that you are receiving by either pausing the movie or music which causes the electrical activity in your brain to redirect and train itself.

NeurOptimal® Fits Everyone

NeurOptimal can help with: General Wellness, Infants/Children/Teens, Adults/The Elderly, Couples/Families, Athletes, Creatives, Corporate and Executive Training, Bio & Life Hackers


Studies have shown significant improvement in patients with ADHD using neurofeedback. Improvements have occurred in areas of attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity. NF training has also had a positive effect on the executive function system with improvements in organizing, planning, motivation, self control and emotional regulation.


Studies have shown the use of neurofeedback for the treatment of PTSD and other stress disorders to be an excellent alternative for patients who struggle with traditional methods of therapy or who have not experienced significant improvement using other forms of therapy. One of the main effects of neurofeedback on trauma is the shifting of the brain back to what is considered to be an optimal state which starts to reprogram that “fight of flight”response to one that is more supportive and flexible to deal with every day challenges but also to work towards a place of understanding the root of their trauma to start reprogramming healthier responses.


When you look at the brain function of someone who is experiencing anxiety in real-time, there appears to be a disconnection in signals betweean the hemispheres in the brain when someone experiences anxiety. In this case, neurofeedback helps to expand the connectivity by enhancing those signals and connection between the two hemispheres of the brain, thus allowing for a much more regulated response. This type of reprogramming doesn’t just help during neurofeedback sessions but has actually proven to have a lasting effect on this type of bodily response.


Similar to patients who experience anxiety, patients who suffer from depression often exhibit a disconnection between two areas of their brain. The connections are typically developed over time and start at a young age. By increasing the connection between the two areas of the brain using neurofeedback, patients have reported significant decreases in their depressive symptoms. Many have also experienced feeling a higher sense of self-esteem.


Neurofeedback can also be looked at as a workout for your brain. Essentially, you are putting your brain through training exercises. This has been shown to have a significant positive impact on executive functioning skills including memory. Overtime, neural pathways (the passage between the brain and the nervous system) can weaken and executive functioning starts to decline. Part of this can be due to age, but there are other things that can cause memory loss as well such as traumatic brain injuries among others. By programing your brain to exercise these neural pathways, you are increasing the connectivity within your brain. Naturally, these connections start to get stronger. As they become stronger, the brain’s ability to remember things, also get stronger along with better performance for other executive functioning skills.


About one in four people in the United States are or have been affected by insomnia at some point in their life. The brain has a center that helps to regulate the part of your body that helps you rest and sleep. When neurofeedback is used to help with sleep, it helps to regulate your circadian rhythm, which is the part of your body that regulates sleep. Clients who use neurofeedback for sleep have reported significant improvement in their overall sleep quality and have reported longer periods of REM and Non-REM (deep restorative) sleep time throughout the night thus helping them to feel more rested throughout the day.